Some sterilizer companies will say that their chambers come standard with a stainless steel frame. However what good is a stainless steel chamber if the steel frame and jacket are made out of carbon steel?
It's basic science that as metals heat and cool, they are going to expand and contract. Different metals are also going to expand and contract at different rates. So this means that your chamber, frame and jacket are all going to be expanding and contracting at different rates and this can cause breaks in the welds.
Having stainless steel jack, chamber and frame means no rust. Rust can build up in the chamber effecting the cleanliness of the steam and the items you are sterilizing. Rust can also greatly reduce the life span of your sterilizer and increase the amount of time and money spent on maintenance.
While chambers can be cleaned of their rust residue, jackets cannot. This means that throughout the life of a traditional sterilizer, build-up is accumulating in the jacket, resulting in cold spots and impeded heat transfer, which can obviously impact a sterilizer's ability to dry the load. Inadequate drying results in longer cycle times.